Simplified Buying or Building Process:
Our clients do not have to spend countless hours shopping for loans and meeting with mortgage lenders who may or may not understand your business. We’ve streamlined this process for our clients by coordinating all phases of the purchasing process from loan application to closing. We have a concierge loan process with our lenders who will meet with our clients and find them the best overall loan to fit their budget. This includes determining if SBA, medical, or conventional loans are the most cost effective in the short and long term for each client. Current loans are available as low as 2.99%.Custom Design:
Whether our client is purchasing office space or building a freestanding building, our staff of talented architects, engineers and designers can design state-of-the-art office, medical, or restaurant buildings. To save our client’s time and stress, we arrange a complementary meeting with our experts who will design the space according to our client’s needs.No Stress Building Process:
No-stress finance program! Our expert Commercial Realtors are committed to finding the best site and best price for our clients, whether it is on one of our low cost building sites or throughout any other community. We provide our clients with the latest commercial demographic studies, comps and future proposed zoning developments, so our clients are able to make the best informed decision.The building process can take from 3 – 9 months, depending on the design phase, city zoning and plan approvals. Our lots are already approved for immediate construction. Once we initiate building, we continually coordinate with the client to ensure their overall satisfaction.
Turn-key Moving Process:
Once the building is complete and the city has granted a Certificate of Occupancy, we notify all of our client’s customers via the media of their new office address. We will even host an Open House for our client’s customers.We will then move our client’s office furniture to their new location at no cost and will help coordinate their IT setup.
If our client requires office furniture or equipment, our specialty vendors can sell or lease any quantity at the best rates. We will also coordinate the delivery at the time of occupancy.
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